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What about security?
We use the highest quality encription, supplied by VERISIGN®, to receive your information. As an extra precaution, we also have VOLUSION online security. We do not sell nor share any information you supply (email address, phone, etc., etc.) Our relationship with you is confidential. No one cares more for their customers than we do. On occasion we may send you an e-mail about a sale or Wristies appearing on national TV, but only with your prior permission.

What is your guarantee?

Our guarantee is simple: we want you to be totally satisfied. If you are not happy for any reason, we will do whatever you like: Want a refund? It's yours - if you return the product within 30 days and tell us why. We will gladly refund the cost of the product (shipping and handling charges not refunded). What to exchange? Not a problem - as long as the tags are still attached. Don't like the color? Again, not a problem so long as the tags are still attached. Not sure of the size? We often send two pairs to customers - one in the two sizes in question. We charge you for one size, send both, with a return envelope so you can easily return the one that does not fit. You are charged for one pair only and we trust you to send the other one back. No one has disappointed us yet.

What about shipping?

Generally, we ship within 24-48 hours, except on weekends - we take a break! You have standard USPS shipping. Call us if you desire a different shipping option or need expedited shipping. All shipping rates are based on estimated shopping cart weight which includes handling. Orders over $100.00 receive FREE shipping.

International orders are shipped via US Postal Service Air Mail and arrive through your postal service. You are responsible for any VAT or duty taxes along with any other taxes or fees that are required for receiving items into your country.

  • Orders shipped to an APO/FPO address get 10% off and free shipping! Thank you for your service.

  • International rates slightly higher, are calculated by order total, and shipped Air Mail. We shipped to Canada, UK, Finland, Israel, Denmark, France, Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, India, and other countries this past winter season. Oh yes - and we shipped to supply Antarctica!